Undoubtedly the most valuable operator in Delta Force, her Recon Arrow and Hunter's Mark trait deliver invaluable intelligence to the entire team.
Probably the most skillful operator in Delta Force, but also the most difficult. Vyron's Thumper ability can enable a swift and easy team wipe when used correctly and his mobility can be a game changer.
Toxik stands out as the best medic-class operator in Delta Force. While most of her kit may feel underwhelming, her trait is a game-changer, enabling teammates to heal roughly 50% faster simply by being near her.
While not as valuable as Luna, Hackclaw excels where Luna fails- CQB. Her short range Signal Decoder provides a path to up to 6 enemy operators, and her flashbang enables fast close quarters gameplay.
The textbook medic, but with extra sustain. You revive faster, block sightlines, and can heal yourself. If you're a solo player, Stinger is your operator.
Move fast, hit hard. D-Wolf is for those operators who live fast- or die trying. His Motorized Exoskeleton allows you to cover vast distances fast, and the Triple Blaster wrist mounted grenade launcher can remove poorly positioned players with ease.
Shepard is the team's anchor. His kit is based around stationary play with Sonic Traps and a Sonic Paralysis drone.
The worst operator in Delta Force. His Loitering Munition leaves your player stationary and defenseless while in use, and his abilities are lackluster cover generation.
Hackclaw has the ability to activate specific devices even without power. If you come across an unpowered device, throw a knife at its button to trigger it. Once the knife completes its "hacking" process, the device will power up, allowing you to access it.